Ghost Mannequin or Neck Joint Service
The term neck joint service is one of the traditional names in the apparel industry. The invisible mannequin is, in fact, the way to hide the mannequins from the apparel. The invisible ghost mannequin service is mostly provided to remove the mannequins and bring the real look of the garments when displayed on online stores or catalogs.
Related: Remove Background From Photos
Performing the ghost mannequin service or the neck joint service is a bit challenging and requires some particular set of skills and expertise of the editors. To make the issue clearer, the ghost mannequin photoshop is done to show that there are no mannequins inside the apparel. Usually, the garments are exhibited using the mannequins, and when they need to exhibit on online stores, they need some colorful and perfect photos. But if the Mannequin ghost found the picture, it loses its appeal.
Thereby, the Ghost mannequin editing has become an essential issue to make the mannequins invisible on the picture. The Invisible Mannequin photoshop helps to perform the service. To the photoshop ghost mannequin, several photographs required. Most of the photographers usually take two photos to make the Mannequin invisible e-commerce. The first photo taken from the front side with the mannequin and the second photo is done without the mannequin so that the brand tags and size numbers become visible.
The images are joined using Adobe Photoshop or other photo editing software. The ghost mannequin mostly applied in the e-commerce, and the appeal of the invisible mannequin is on the rise for several reasons. The most important reason behind the popularity of the neck joint service is that it makes the images beautiful and makes the mannequin invisible on the photo. The service often performed on garment items like shirts, pants, dresses for women, etc.
Another reason of being it’s popular is that the Ghost mannequin editing shows several views of the same clothing like front view, back view or side view. Often personal views are also shown. Such views are helpful for the clients to decide about getting the particular piece of clothing. But if the photos exhibited with the mannequins, it becomes difficult to judge about the picture in the right manner. Most of the clients also do not prefer the photos with mannequins.
Related: Image Manipulation Service
Who needs the service?
The service is required only for some particular people. The businessmen who are dealing with garment industries are in need of the ghost mannequin service. Besides, individuals who have some online clothing stores, they also need the service. The invisible mannequin helps to make the dress look beautiful as they edited correctly. The list below shows the rest –
• Garment industry professionals
• E-commerce website
• Fashion magazines
• Fashion photographers
• Printing houses
• Publishing houses
• Newspapers
• Fashion advertising agencies
• Annual clothing reports
• Apparel websites
Related: Photo Editing Services For Professional Photographers
STATBD has turned into a mighty IT agency in Bangladesh and been operating the activities for a long time. The Ghost mannequin service of the company is excellent, and the expert hands of the office know their works very well. They can complete the tasks within the shortest possible time and also capable of meeting deadlines.
The editing done by the STATBD experts make the attires look gorgeous, and thus the number of visitors increases on the website. When the visitors increase for a site dealing with garment industry, it means the chance of success in the business increased as well. The STATBD experts enhance the quality of the images, and as a result, the clothing looks beautiful. They can keep the consistency in design of the clothes, color, and size. So, the visitors cannot think that the images are edited rather they start adoring the pictures and order for their pieces.
The designers and editors at STATBD are highly skilled in their respective tasks and usually complete the tasks with dedication. They can complete the tasks as per your need and within a budgeted time. They make the clothing to look healthy and colorful. Often they retouch the color and adjust the tone so that the real look of the dress appears on the image.
Therefore, if you need the ghost mannequin service or the neck joint service, you can ask STATBD, and there are some options for limited free trials. You can reach us by e-mail to know details about the pricing or other queries. It is to note that STATBD is highly flexible about pricing. Besides, the dedicated and skilled professionals always prioritize their respective tasks and deliver as quickly as possible. Contact us to hand over your orders and get our excellent Neck Joint Services.